On Sunday, May 29, the selected second year ESO students leave for Craiova (Romania) to spend the first week of June in the mobility of short exchanges between students together with students from Poland and Romania. During the week numerous robotics activities and other cultural visits have been scheduled, such as the one to Targu-Jiu to visit the sculptures of Constantin Brancusi.
2019-1-PL01-KA229-065800_3 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 (IES AUSIÀS MARCH-GANDIA). El presente proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. La comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.
dissabte, 28 de maig del 2022
Mobility of short exchanges between students in Craiova (Romania)
dissabte, 7 de maig del 2022
Visiting Poland (student's exchange)
The week of May 1 (Sunday) to May 6, the 10 Spanish students selected for the robotics project have made the stay in Poland visiting Warsaw, Kolo, Kozminie and Turan. They have shared a multitude of cultural, social and scientific experiences with their partners from Romania and Poland. Among others, they have visited the Copernicus center in Warsaw, they have used technologies focused on scientific education, they have visited the Copernicus observatory in Turan, they have carried out robotics workshops... On the other hand, they have enjoyed a very friendly stay with their European partners that has allowed them to understand educational learning from a more international scope.