dijous, 19 de desembre del 2019

Products obtained during the first quarter

Several workshops related to robotics and STEM project have been carried out during the first quarter. In the first place, students have been informed about the objectives of the project, they have also been instructed in the eTwinning platform and they have participated in the contest to choose the project logo. On the other hand, they have participated in forums, they have also answered the questionnaires created and they have met their partners in online meetings. Apart from this, students have taken their first steps in handling the basic Lego pack. In this way, they have assembled parts of the robot, learned notions of programming and have finally used the different sensors of color, sound ... In these two videos you can see some of the results.

diumenge, 6 d’octubre del 2019

Project grant delivery at Valencia Ministry of Education

On Friday, October 4, the award ceremony for the award of the project in the key action is held at the Valencia Ministry of Education 2. The director of the institute, Amparo Bataller, receives the certificate on behalf of the Erasmus + team of the IES Ausiàs March.

dissabte, 28 de setembre del 2019

Jornadas de formación: proyectos KA229

Los pasados días 26 y 27 de septiembre, han tenido lugar en la ciudad de Cuenca, en la Facultad de Educación de la UCLM, unas “Jornadas de formación inicial de Proyectos de Asociaciones de Intercambio Escolar Erasmus+ (Socios KA229)”. A lo largo de estos dos días, las personas responsables de las distintas áreas del Sepie han intentado proporcionar a los representantes de los centros implicados en los nuevos proyectos toda la información necesaria para llevarlos a cabo con éxito.
El escenario en el que se han llevado a cabo las jornadas ha sido inmejorable y toda la información facilitada así como la dinámica de las sesiones han sido también idóneas.
En este tipo de encuentros destaca siempre la amabilidad y la fantástica disposición de todos los miembros del Sepie.

Over the past few days, between September 26 and 27, the Department of Education of the UCLM of Cuenca hosted training conferences for members on Erasmus+ Exchange Programs KA229. Over the course of these two days, the staff responsible for the different areas of the Sepie, did their best to communicate to the school representatives in attendance, all the information about these new programs in order to make their performance easy and successful.
The dynamics of the sessions as well as the information provided were very convenient. In these meetings always stand out the kindness and the fantastic attitude of all the staff members of the Sepie.

dimecres, 31 de juliol del 2019

Beneficiaries of a new KA-229 Erasmus+ project

On July 31, we are informed that we were granted a new project within the key action 2 (KA-229), so that in a period of 24 months, the students of IES Ausiàs March High School will carry out activities and mobilities focused on robotics from the disciplines of technology, mathematics, computer science and natural sciences (STEM) in collaboration with the European countries Romania and Poland in order to improve our educational quality in a European vision of education. The project title is "LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3" and the project code is 2019-1-PL01-KA229-065800_3.