El escenario en el que se han llevado a cabo las jornadas ha sido inmejorable y toda la información facilitada así como la dinámica de las sesiones han sido también idóneas.
En este tipo de encuentros destaca siempre la amabilidad y la fantástica disposición de todos los miembros del Sepie.
Over the past few days, between September 26 and 27, the Department of Education of the UCLM of Cuenca hosted training conferences for members on Erasmus+ Exchange Programs KA229. Over the course of these two days, the staff responsible for the different areas of the Sepie, did their best to communicate to the school representatives in attendance, all the information about these new programs in order to make their performance easy and successful.
The dynamics of the sessions as well as the information provided were very convenient. In these meetings always stand out the kindness and the fantastic attitude of all the staff members of the Sepie.